
Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding Recipe

🍧Healthy Delicious Chia Seed Breakfast Recipe🍧

Chia seeds are especially healthy and are called superfoods. They are best known as a great way to provide the body with the nutrients it needs.

They can be used everywhere: delicious to sprinkle on salads, dry breakfasts or sandwiches, pour into fruit smoothies, into soups and elsewhere when you want to add long-lasting satiety and crunchiness.


-100ml of chia seeds
-65ml peanut cream
-400ml of your favourite milk
-1 tsp vanilla sugar
-A pinch of salt
-Sweetener to taste: sugar or syrup

Its really easy – method as follows:

1️⃣Put all the ingredients in a cocktail (or blender jar) and shake well to grind at least some of the seeds.

2️⃣Leave half an hour to soak.

3️⃣Decorate, serve and enjoy this Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding Recipe!

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