📢🍨The Chocolate Ice Cream Day🍨📢 is celebrating every 7th of June each year.🎊
During this day, people celebrate by eating chocolate ice cream and also by dedicating their entire day to this special dessert.😻🍨Chocolate ice cream is so delicious especially when syrup, whipped cream or sprinkles are added into it.😍👌🏻 The experience is so much better also when this ice cream is eaten in a cone.😋🍦 Because of the extreme love of people for chocolate ice cream🤎, a special day has been dedicated to it.❗️🙌🏻 People love to celebrate this event as much as they love to celebrate another days!🎉🗓
🥸7 Totally Random Ice Cream Facts You Didn’t Know you Needed To Know🥸⤵️
1️⃣Romans used to send slaves up the mountains to collect snow and flavor it with fruits. Kind of makes you grateful all you need to do is go to the store, doesn’t it?
2️⃣Hawaii has an ice cream bean fruit that tastes like ice cream!
3️⃣The world record for eating ice cream was broken in 2017. Miki Sudo managed to get through 16.5 pints of ice cream in 6 minutes!
4️⃣In 2016 Americans ate 2.7 billion liters of ice cream.
5️⃣Do you know how many licks it takes to consume a cone of ice cream? Researchers discovered the magic number is 50 licks. Try it when you have your next cone, see if it is true.
6️⃣Chocolate is the most preferred ice cream topping. Chocolate sauce and chocolate ice cream. A match made in ice cream heaven!
7️⃣The most popular day to consume ice cream is Sunday!
Let’s celebrate together! 💃🏻🕺 Our freezers ❄️☃️ are fully stocked with over 30 different flavours of ice cream! 🍦And of course – special selection of chocolate ice cream! 😻