Enter our Competition on Facebook to Win Loyalty Points
With the sunshine rays of spring, Easter will come to our homes and hearts. 🌞🌼 I believe it will be a little different than we have been used to for many years, but I have no doubt that it will be any less festive.🌻🧁🥚
For this Easter we want to give you 50,000 points for shopping in our store.🛒

• Take a photo in one of our stores and upload a photo on your Facebook at our location (@LituanicaStores). You MUST mark the CHECK-IN location. 🙏🏻
• Leave a comment on this post when the conditions of are met. 🙏🏻
We will select the winner by lottery and announce the MARCH 31st! 🎊
Let’s Celebrate Easter Together – Share with others. ✅
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